The Agera latest features in braking technology, integrating an adjustable system ABS, 392 × 36 × 34 and 380 drilled and ventilated ceramic discs. Also a first in the automotive industry is the interior illumination: the light Ghost. The light shines through the machined aluminum buttons and the surfaces of nanotubes by invisible, creating excellent visibility of symbols, as well as a very clean and elegant, surrounded by a carbon center fbre any new console and tunnel assembly.
Koenigsegg celebrate 15 years of making dream cars, by unleashing their latest jewel – the Koenigsegg Agera. A new supercar aimed to take the Koenigsegg experience to the next level, both on the road and the track.
Agera, the Swedish verb “to act”, has been chosen as the name for Koenigsegg´s latest super creation, as it symbolizes the Koenigsegg philosophy well. Koenigsegg is always striving forward, seeking challenges beyond limitations. The new supercar Agera is an outcome of that creative process and its functions respond very well to the given name.
When we believe in something, we do it. We act. the car also has to act, when commanded to unleash its performance, forcefully and fawlessly. The development of the Agera has been evolutionary, following the Koenigsegg tradition of continuous improvements, by honing and perfecting the end result, all based on previous experience and innovative mindsets. The focus when developing the Agera was to maximize, driving experience, cornering speed, braking and adaptability, says Christian von Koenigsegg.
Koenigsegg Agera Testament to Time
The Koenigsegg Agera is a testament to time. The original shape and concept of the Koenigsegg CC, created 15 years ago, is still valid, fresh and highly competitive today. The Agera still stay true to the original philosophy, shape and size of the original CC. At the same time, it looks, feels and performs like something belonging to the future, with all new content.